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Webminar Seminar Melalui Website berjudul "In-house vs. outside counsel: who decides?"

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Judul : In-house vs. outside counsel: who decides?
Hari: Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Waktu: 1:00 PM (EDT)/10:00 AM (PDT)

Penjelasan :

Given the marked increase in economic and business risk anxiety, it's no surprise that in-house counsel are scrutinizing litigation costs and, in many cases, seizing control of much of the discovery process. This webinar will explore the changing relationships and roles of in-house and outside counsel around what often is the single largest cost in a legal proceeding – electronic discovery. In this webinar you will learn about:
The in-house and outside counsel eDiscovery management paradigm: its history, evolution, changing in-house counsel perspective, and outside counsel concerns
How in-house and outside counsel can work together to gain control over eDiscovery spending
The potential pitfalls of too much in-sourcing, and how IT, compliance, records managers and third party service providers can help or hinder

During the discussion, our panel will share their expertise on how companies, their outside counsel and third party consultants and providers can work cooperatively together to achieve cost-effective and risk-conscious results.

Featured Presenters:
Thomas Lahiff, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Tom joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in January 2008, where he is a member of the Forensic Technology Solutions practice, based in New York City. He has almost thirty years experience managing outside counsel and actively litigating complex commercial, securities, intellectual property, regulatory compliance, and white collar criminal matters. Before joining PwC he was an Assistant General Counsel in Citigroup Inc.’s Corporate Litigation Group. Prior to working for Citigroup he was an attorney at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom.

While at Citigroup, he managed significant commercial and IP litigation, represented the firm in government investigations, and worked on the firm’s response to the 2006 e-discovery amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. At PwC he specializes in e-discovery readiness and information risk management, advising clients on legal expense reduction and the convergence of records management, privacy, the European Data Directive, and e-discovery. He has testified as a 30(b)(6) witness on records management and document collection and preservation.

Mr. Lahiff is a frequent lecturer on information and records management, including the ethical, civil, and criminal issues arising in the fields of document retention and electronic discovery. His areas of specialization include electronic discovery, litigation readiness, information management, and legal expense vendor management.
Matthew R. Levy, Esq., Associate Director of Client Development & Strategy, Stratify

Matthew is the Associate Director of Client Development & Strategy at Stratify. Among his roles, Matthew works with law firms and general counsel to develop and implement reasonable and defensible solutions to complex electronic discovery problems. In addition, Matthew works with Stratify’s Engineering and Professional Services teams on product development and workflow solutions. He also keeps abreast of legal developments affecting electronic discovery and monitors best practices that affect Stratify’s approach to client services.

Matthew has been a litigation attorney since 1990, having practiced in a variety of areas such as construction defect and medical malpractice defense. He practiced with the Securities Litigation Group at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in Palo Alto for several years before becoming that firm’s E-Discovery Practice Manager. In that role, Matthew managed Wilson Sonsini’s firm-wide electronic discovery practice.

Most recently, Matthew was the Manager of Electronic Discovery & Practice Support at Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin in San Francisco. There, he counseled the firm’s litigation attorneys and clients regarding electronic discovery compliance and best practices. In addition, Matthew managed the firm’s Electronic Discovery & Practice Support Department addressing the practice technology needs of the firm and providing many services normally available only through outside consultants and vendors.

Matthew is a founding participant of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) project, which was created to address the lack of standards and guidelines in the electronic discovery market. The EDRM project was launched in May 2005.

Matthew is a frequent speaker at seminars and conferences and has authored or been featured in numerous articles addressing electronic discovery and related issues.
Stephen D. Whetstone, Esq., VP Client Development & Strategy, Stratify

Stephen D. Whetstone, Esq., is Stratify’s Vice President, Client Development and Strategy. Among other responsibilities, Stephen is charged with keeping abreast of legal developments affecting electronic discovery, working with law firms and general counsel to craft document retention and discovery best practices, and honing Stratify's strategic position, services and product offerings in the legal market.

Prior to joining Stratify, Stephen was a litigation partner at Testa Hurwitz & Thibeault, LLP, one of Boston's largest law firms, where for 11 years he represented clients in securities class actions, government and internal investigations, patent and intellectual property matters, and other complex commercial litigation. Before joining Testa, Stephen was a litigator at Skadden Arps.

While practicing, Stephen successfully handled many litigations and investigations that turned on analyzing large volumes of electronic data and evidence under tight time constraints. His clients included Fortune 500 companies, leading international financial institutions, and publicly traded and privately held technology, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing companies. Stephen has written many articles and papers on electronic data and discovery issues, which have appeared in the National Law Journal, Legal Times, IP Litigator, Privacy Law Journal, Digital Discovery & E-Evidence, and other prominent national publications. He is also a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and CLE programs on electronic discovery legal developments and best practices.

Stephen is a graduate of Bates College (B.A.) and Northeastern University School of Law (J.D.) and is admitted to the bar of Massachusetts, the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Prior to law school, Stephen spent several years working in the political arena and with the media, including as Chief of Staff for Massachusetts State Senator (now Congressman) John W. Olver.

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